Healing Service, St. Peter’s Anglican Church
Where: Garden lawn next to the hall.
When: 4 PM, Sunday, August 30
To submit requests:
* Call the church office and leave a message on the answering machine - 250-286-1613
* Email to the prayer chain email - stpetercrprayerchain@gmail.com
* Attend the healing service in person. Bring your own chair. We will be suitably, safely
physically distanced outside.
Bring your request written on a slip of paper. If you want to just attend, to follow along in the service, and support those asking for prayer, that is welcomed, just remember to bring your own chair, and to sit where directed. If you have a cell phone or an iPad, bring it, as we will produce an electronic version of the service to follow along on, and post it on the website for you to access, or you can email the prayer chain email address and ask for a copy of the service to be sent to you in PDF format, which every tablet or cell phone should be able to open. The wardens and our Interim Priest, Cathie Hall, have given this event their blessing. Let’s experience the power of prayer and of gathering to support those experiencing challenges of any kind in their lives.