The Rev. Dr. Catherine Dafoe Hall is called Cathie by her friends and parishioners. Cathie was ordained a priest in 1987 and has served parishes in three dioceses. She describes her special interest as congregational vitality, which looks at ministries and activities that support the life of the parish and the community around it. Cathie is also the part-time Director of EfM Canada. EfM, or Education for Ministry, is a program of theological education for lay people which takes place in small groups or in small groups online. Of course, we are all online now during COVID19. Cathie is a widow with adult children and has lived and worked in Nanaimo for the past two years. Leo is her frequent companion, he is a retired ‘hearing ear’ dog almost 11 years old, but still very energetic and active.
Cathie will be working one day a week through August; and when we begin to gather for in-person worship again, we hope in early September, that will increase to two days a week, usually Wednesday and Sunday. There will be a number of ways to connect.
Since Cathie is from another community it is important that all of the health and safety protocols announced by Dr. Bonnie Henry be followed for the protection of the people of St. Peter’s and Cathie herself. Cathie will wear a mask or a face shield in all indoor meetings or gatherings and in outdoor meetings if social distancing is not possible. Others will be expected to do the same for the safety of all. St. Peter’s is at a threshold moment now; this is an important time in the life of a parish when they seek a new rector. There will be time to consider the things we want to learn as the process unfolds, we will explore what problems might be tackled (just as parish leaders have been energetically working at the siding of the church and replacing old furnaces with new), we can ask ourselves what tasks we can undertake to make sure the wind of the Spirit blows through our hearts and our community as we prepare for what is ahead.