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The Council workshop led by Lincoln McKoen was held Saturday, September 15. 

Gather, Transform and Send

One way of describing the primary task, the unique purpose and work of a congregation is to gather those called by God into Christ’s body, the Church, a community of transformation of mind, heart and action, and to send these same into the world to be and to act as God’s loving and transforming presence.

Another way of saying this is that the purpose of a congregation is to be the body of Christ and, with God’s help, to create and renew the Christian folk who in turn, create and renew a world that we believe both already is and is in the process of becoming God’s own realm—a realm of forgiveness, reconciliation, justice, peace and hope. (

Send us now into the world in peace, and grant us strength and courage to love and serve you with gladness and singleness of heart through Christ our Lord. (Post-Communion Prayer, The Book of Common Prayer, The Episcopal Church, P.366)