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“Come Jesus and Meet Us Here”

An amazing ‘facilitator’ (played by Bishop Logan) was on hand on March 4 to help guide us into the consultative and transitional process of searching for a new minister.

With a reminder that “when we meet, the mundane becomes heavenly”, the 'facilitator' introduced us to the seven steps of the transition journey:
Step 1 – Termination: acknowledging feelings & reactions
Step 2 – Direction: “What do we do now!”
Step 3 – Self-study Part 1: The transition workshop itself and “What does the parish look like now?”
Step 3 – Self-study Part 2: Vision, hopes and dreams
Step 4 – Search: Advertising
Step 5 - Decision/negotiation
Step 6 - Installation
Step 7 - Start up

The workshop groups collaborated on identifying our parish’s strengths, acknowledging areas that could use more work and began to focus on where we would like to be in the future. After watching a TED talk by Simon Sinek, we were encouraged try something different and to have trust – as trust allows us to experiment.

Our year ahead will mean change, and as in the words of the Lion King “change is good but not easy”. However, we have a great consultation team who will be working in cooperation with Bishop Logan and the parishioners at St. Peter’s to develop the vision and direction that will aid in the selection of our new minister.