The Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols, as it is formally called, is traditionally used at Christmas. The story of the fall of...
Our annual Christmas Eve family service is a wonderful tradition. It is a time to be with the children, sing a few Christmas carols,...
“Be strong and let your heart take courage” -Psalm 27 Everyone is welcome to attend this special service. Please feel free to attend...
Leave the hustle and bustle of Christmas season behind and join us a for a sacred moment. Invite your neighbours, friends and family to...
Please join us as we celebrate the birth of the Christ child on this wonderful day.
We would love to have you join us in celebration and joy at any (or all) of our special Christmas Services. We also welcome you to our...
What is a reverse advent calendar? Fill a box with an item a day instead of removing an item a day. That is a reverse Advent Calendar....
Are you missing the family dinner at Christmas? Please join us as we sit down for Christmas dinner as one large family - singles,...
Blue Christmas Service of Healing & Hope Where: St. Peter Anglican ChurchWhen: 4 PM, Sunday, December 10 This is an...
The Advent Breakfast is always a terrific event. Food, fellowship and a LOT of conversation. Why don't you plan to join us next year....